A short post today. As of 14 September 2021, there are 179 Helium hotspots in Australia and they’ve earned a little over 1,030 HNT combined.
Here’s a distribution of Helium hotspot growth since the first hotspots came online in October 2020.

August was significant, and September is lagging a little, although many anticipate taking delivery of hotspots from several suppliers over the latter half of this month.
We should see numbers skyrocket from here. 🙂
State by State distribution of Helium hotspots
Across the States and Territories, the distribution is currently as follows:

Nothing yet for the Northern Territory.
Other interesting numbers:
- 26 of the 179 hotspots are showing as OFFLINE
- The most profitable hotspot in the last 24 hours is:
- Dapper Lavender Sardine (Sydney, NSW) – 1.6 HNT
- Dapper Lavender Sardine (Sydney, NSW) – 1.6 HNT
- The most profitable hotspots in the last 30 days are:
- Harsh Fern Giraffe (North Ryde, NSW) – Earned 25.3 HNT
- Dapper Lavender Sardine (Sydney, NSW) – Earned 20.4 HNT
- Brave Sapphire Flamingo (Putney, NSW) – Earned 20.2 HNT
- The most profitable hotspots in the last 365 days are:
- Jumpy Corduroy Dolphin (Adelaide, SA) – Added May 2021 – Earned 81.1 HNT
- Quaint Yellow Cottonmouth (Athelstone, SA) – Added May 2021 – Earned 78.6 HNT
- Harsh Fern Giraffe (North Ryde, NSW) – Added July 2021 – Earned 61.5 HNT